KEYNOTE “How to screw up happiness at work?”
by Griet Deca, Chief Happiness of Tryangle

About this keynote:
“Work?! Working makes me incredibly tired! After all, my employer is only interested in making a profit and doesn’t really care about his employees. I’m just counting down to the day I can start my retirement!” Chief Happiness Griet Deca definitely does not agree with statements like these.
Although there’s plenty of goodwill at both sides of the table, a lot of employers and even more employees are unhappy at work. That may come as a surprise but it’s not: unconsciously, we often screw up happiness at work leaving a trace of disappointment and stress. Let’s talk about those happiness killers and discover how we can transform them into happiness boosters.
After proposing a scientific definition of happiness at work, Griet shares a number of common business practices she’s encountered over the years. Unfortunately, there are a lot of unintended happiness killers to be spotted. Which is truly a shame if you know that happiness at work has a solid ROI for the employee, the team leader, and the organization.
About Griet Deca
Griet Deca is Chief Happiness and co-founder of Tryangle Happiness and Well-being at Work. As keynote speaker, author, trainer and coach, she has a mission of 2 millimeters: Make sure you go home after your working day with your mouth corners 2 millimeters high. And that makes for such a different world than when you come home with the corners of your mouth hanging down 2 millimeters …
In 2018 Griet Deca wrote the book “From prosperity to happiness at work” (in Dutch) and in 2019 she was elected Belgian Happiness Personality of the Year. Griet likes to invite her audience to interactive participation and learning by doing. She prefers to work with interaction and storytelling. Griet loves to use one-liners that make you think and a firm dash of humour.